
My son Nicholas Beauchaine has worked at Industrial Aid since 2011. He has never been happier. Prior to this, he attended public school since he was 3 years old and graduated from Nottingham High School. His last year of high school was spent at Industrial Aid helping him to transition from school life to working life. We were lucky enough that he was hired right away at Industrial Aid. Change is hard for Nicholas and this transition was smooth and easy.

Nicholas has never tried working in competitive employment because he would not be able to survive in this kind of setting. Industrial Aid provides a place where Nicholas can excel at his level. He is verbal, but it is hard to always understand what he is saying. He would not be understood in competitive employment. He can read and print on a limited basis but cannot fill out a job application or understand most of what is written in any kind of document.

Working at Industrial Aid gives Nicholas dignity and a true purpose in life.

He contributes to society, pays taxes, and is proud of the work he does. As we walk through a grocery store, he is quick to point out the soda or bottled water that he packaged. He takes pride in what he does and his job makes him feel important. Having a purpose in life and feeling important is what everyone strives for and Industrial Aid gives him that.

To walk into the workshop, it is always a very happy place.

It is not only a place to work for my son but is his social life as well. He has lifelong friends at work and a true bond with the other employees and staff at Industrial Aid. They all mean so much to him. They take care of each other. The workshop has ice-cream socials, pancake breakfasts, holiday parties, etc., where the employees dance and play cards and watch movies.   And just have fun together.

At the workshop I do not have to worry about him. The bus picks him up and drops him off – door to door. I know he is in a safe environment. He will not be made fun of or be picked on. Instead he is loved and cherished for the work he can do.

Nicholas wants to be like the rest of our family – we all have jobs. He wants to work. He wants to feel important and have a purpose. We went on a 4 day vacation and Nicholas was so concerned that we were not coming back in time for him to return to work. While the rest of us could only think of being off work, he could only think of his job that he would be returning to.

Industrial Aid has given Nicholas so much – pride, dignity, and a real purpose in life.